Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nuva Ring, Nuva Week

and so here were are, day 2 of week 9? I hope everyone has an amazing turkey filled break, as well as a beer filled Tuesday night at the "bro"ery.
I had a good time with the ol' gang last night. Reunited and it feels so good.
However, sober as I was last night, I couldn't sleep in this morning and had to leave the house at 6:45 this morning up to campus. "But why Jaime, need you have left the house this morning?" might you be asking yourself. Because, despite my previous presumptions that when one buys toilet paper, he buys it for all of his beloved housemates, there was no toilet paper when I had to shit myself this morning. Maya, you left that protein drink in my possession, left it as my "nightcap" before bed.

So I'm on campus at this ungodly hour, fresh out of the dining hall, and in gym shorts ready to run after completing a few errands since I am without computer.

On another note, I will not be driving down to San Diego this break. It was decided by myself, and relevant third party, that I will have a much better time down there without finals on my mind.

The nuva ring is still in place, in case some of you are wondering, and my good work of not having unprotected sex until its 7th day in place (except for that first night when he pulled out just in time) will pay off tonight, so I expect to be bought a pitcher of beer tonight for that one.

In conclusion I want to remind Maya to subscribe for WWOLF this break, to remind Hannah to not get to anxious over C.M and to remind Scott that I want to do him still.

I will miss you all this break, and can't wait to awkwardly drink gallons of cheap beer tonight with the brew bros.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

hypochondria and home depot

Yesterday I was working at the metal shop in the art department.  I was welding sheet metal together for the floor of a mini gallery that I have until the 26th (Vaseline burlap babies YEAHHHHH). As I was lifting one of the pieces of metal up, I jabbed one of the sharp ends into my vulnerable right thigh (I was wearing my green shorts that Jaime likes).  What followed was me freaking my shit and running around the art department screaming bloody murder looking for bactine because of a cut the size of perhaps a flea.  And even though I found an antiseptic and sprayed my war wound heavily, when I woke up this morning I imagined for a few moments that I tried to get out of bed and flopped around like a jelly fish because tetanus had rendered me paralyzed.  

So basically I'm doing WAY GOOD.

Do not let me forget people that I have to buy industrial pipe at home depot, and hang my shiz uppp.

Also I'll call you later hannah about watching high art

Also Jaime I swear to god if you don't finish that spanish test....

Also Scott I love you, why are you such a cute little boy in a messy little room. I will clean for you today.

Also I maintain even through my trials and tribulations at the metal shop that I still look damn fiooonneee wearing those shorts.

 Really. Ask Jaime.
I must say I was very impressed with my swift response to the letter I received in the mail yesterday. I do good, no? However, in my thus far failed attempt to complete a certain placement test, I cannot assume the status of "do gooder" just yet. I have two more days to make that a reality.
Unfortunately for myself, I did indeed, as some of you fellow potential do gooders may have heard, UNPLUGGED one Hannah Gullixson's blasted and bloody computer while sitting across from her at one Pergolesi's coffee shop. This grants me one day in the backward direction of my do good progress.
What I will close with, for now, is a confession to a Mr. Scott Reed that I have dreamed about you for the past two nights, and let me tell you, they have been fun mo fo dreams. In the first one, two nights ago, we were flying all around the campus of UCSC in an attempt to avoid being shot down by militia. Ok kind of scary, but really beautiful as we were flying over oceans and through trees, not in a plane mind you, but on our own bodies. Last night's was rather dull, as it consisted merely of the two of going out to coffee. Damn good coffee? I met Jamie Kennedy too? Wanna get some coffee?
Are you guys reading this????
Over and out,

And So It Begins

Attn: Scott, Jaime, and Maya

As an attempt to not "do good" and stray from my case study that is in desperate need of editing; I have resorted to creating this. The Do Good Club platform for the internet world. Check emails for information